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Page Hits Last modification Last author Version Categories
A step into a Brave New World 15733
Tue 28 of Dec, 2010 23:54 CET
mgaertne 2
A test for India 9231
Thu 21 of Apr, 2011 15:55 CEST
mgaertne 1
A Tour through Europe 12580
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 14:37 CET
mgaertne 3
A Wiki in your Pocket 11610
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 22:18 CET
mgaertne 1
Are you a good notetaker 18381
Thu 21 of Apr, 2011 15:52 CEST
mgaertne 1
Battle of the Url Shorteners 10140
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 22:11 CET
mgaertne 2
Beam Me Up 12339
Tue 28 of Dec, 2010 23:20 CET
mgaertne 1
Blind as a Bat 8973
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 19:09 CET
mgaertne 2
Brainstorm Testing Ideas 8665
Thu 21 of Apr, 2011 16:15 CEST
mgaertne 1
Bring Planetarium Home 6667
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 23:32 CET
mgaertne 1
Brokerage 6749
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 23:01 CET
mgaertne 1
Bug Hunters 10955
Thu 21 of Apr, 2011 16:17 CEST
mgaertne 1
Bugs under the Magnifying Glass 7339
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:59 CET
mgaertne 2
Charter my Brain 11047
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 22:34 CET
mgaertne 1
Cheat Sheet for Support Team 8631
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:57 CET
mgaertne 2
Coherent Ideas 7602
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 23:04 CET
mgaertne 1
Combination Lock 7310
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:45 CET
mgaertne 2
Conferences are for Conferring 6422
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:46 CET
mgaertne 2
Counting Strings 6663
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 15:36 CET
mgaertne 2
Credit Card TuneUp 7575
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 15:36 CET
mgaertne 3
Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto 6781
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 15:20 CET
mgaertne 2
Escape! 6063
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:44 CET
mgaertne 5
Free your Mind 6539
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 22:14 CET
mgaertne 1
Free your Text2MindMap 6295
Mon 20 of Dec, 2010 23:34 CET
mgaertne 1
Generate test ideas 6949
Sat 21 of Feb, 2015 18:42 CET
mgaertne 2


Are you a good notetaker?
A step into a Brave New World
A test for India
A Tour through Europe
A Wiki in your Pocket
Battle of the Url Shorteners
Beam Me Up
Blind as a Bat
Brainstorm Testing Ideas
Bring Planetarium Home
Bug Hunters
Bugs under the Magnifying Glass
Charter my Brain
Cheat Sheet for Support Team
Coherent Ideas
Combination Lock
Conferences are for Conferring
Counting Strings
Credit Card TuneUp
Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto
Free your Mind
Free your Text2MindMap
Generate test ideas
Give your Brain a Workout
Home Sweet Home
How Easy is it to get Data
How to Think about Science
I can see Clearly Now
Jetpack Testing Challenge
Learning by Playing - Raindrops
Learning by Playing - Word Bubbles
Learn the product quickly
Let's Dance
Let's Date
Mapping the Maps
Mapping the Test Tool
Modeling Bugs and Patterns
Observation Skill
On Collaboration
On the first software testing team
Pilae Iacta Est
Please Park my Bug
Pop! goes the weasel
Put it on the Board
Rapid Anagrams
Scenario Maps
Secure the Area
Show me the Money
So how much are you Worth
Social Signals
Splash Up
Talk to Me
Test Automation with Watir
Testing the Future
That's Just Funtestic
The Cheesiest Testing Ever
The Friday Challenge
The Imperial Strikes Back
The Impossible Mission
The Magnificient Testers ride again
The Rocket
The Usability Challenge
To Err is Human
Visually Thinking Software through with Models
Weinberg-Myers Triangle Problem
When A Bug Isn't Fixed
Working Under Pressure
Writing a failing Test with Watir
Zoom Me In